Canadians can trade HNU on TSX (Horizons Beta Pro Natural Gas Bull). This investment has 2 times leverage, so not for the faint of heart ! Leverage is a double edge sword. It is nice when working but hurts when position is against you. Remember 2 times up or 2 times down when you are wrong.
Here is the bullish info:
Natural Gas so cheap (3.87 per mmBTU as of Friday) while Oil is moving ever higher? This is a significant disconnect that does not make long term sense. Historically, the average ratio between West Texas crude and Henry Hub natural gas has been 8.5 to 1. Currently, it is at a historic ratio of 19:1.
With oil at $72 per barrel, natural gas should be around $8.47. That represents a 125% potential pop in the price of natural gas if the price of oil stays constant. Many experts believe that oil is fairly priced right now, given the costs of exploration and extraction.
Natural gas is a value play with great upside potential in the intermediate term (12 months). But it is an even better play in the longer term (1-5 years).
President Obama and the Democrat controlled Congress will definitely pass some type of environmental legislation this year or early next. That legislation is aimed directly against carbon and its role in global warming (or the theory thereof, since it is not conclusively proven). In the next several months, either a "Cap and Trade" or a straight up carbon tax will be passed. The moderates in Congress and most of the heavy industrial world, faced with the reality of some type of legislation, are rallying behind a carbon tax for its simplicity and for the fact that the cost can be passed along to the consumer much more efficiently and without the distortion and potential fraud of cap and trade.
For natural gas, either scenario is very attractive. Natural gas per BTU of energy, is much cleaner than oil or coal, the two primary fossil fuel alternatives. So, if a carbon tax is passed by legislation this year, natural gas will immediately become more competitive. Its historical relationship to oil should decline even below 8.5. If it moves to 7.0, then the relative cost today should be $10 per mmBTU for natural gas.
Longer term, with or without a tax advantage over oil, natural gas promises to be used as a transitional fuel to alternative energies like solar, wind and geothermal. T Boone Pickens has proposed, and spent a considerable portion of his wealth, promoting the idea of natural gas powered vehicles. Once fuel cell powered vehicles become practical, within 10 years with government encouragement / subsidy, natural gas is likely to be the first fuel used by such vehicles. This reality will be encouraged if Pickens is successful in getting existing fuel stations in North America to add natural gas to their product offering at the pump.
Pure hydrogen vehicles are a better environmental option, since the byproduct of the chemical reaction is pure water. But the manufacture, storage and distribution of highly combustible hydrogen has many science, engineering and production problems yet to be solved. -Brian McMorris
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